The three C’s of effective performance management
LeadershipPerformance Management#HybridLeadership
Business leaders can achieve their goals by leveraging the three C’s of performance management — continuous, contextual and cultural

LeadershipPerformance Management#HybridLeadership
Business leaders can achieve their goals by leveraging the three C’s of performance management — continuous, contextual and cultural
Strategic HR#GuestArticle#HybridWorkplace#HybridLeadership
When teams are spread across multiple locations and on modalities, leaders can be challenged to ensure that everyone has the same information, especially when frequent updates or changes are common.
Employee RelationsEmployee EngagementTalent Management#HybridWorkplace#HybridLeadership
Jasneet Kaur, director, people and culture at IPM India tells People Matters about the challenges of digitally managing the workforce, the biggest shifts in employee expectations and her top priorities as a chief people officer in the new normal.
Companies that can override the prevailing lack of trust and provide their people flexibilities and opportunities make true progress, said Andrew Stephenson, Chief People Officer of Equiniti Group.
LeadershipEmployee Engagement#Future of Work#HybridWorkplace#HybridLeadership
While leaders are ready for hybrid work, 1 in 2 organisations in APAC do not have a long-term vision for Work 3.0, reveals a new report.
Employee Relations#HybridLeadership
A significant 58% of government employees felt burnt out by workload and 13% of them have admitted to having ‘quite quit’ in the same period, a rate double that of most other sectors in India, finds a study.
LeadershipEmployee RelationsEmployee Engagement#Future of Work#HybridLeadership#Productivity
The hybrid work model has created a growing disconnect between employees and leaders. The latest Work Trend Index Pulse report by Microsoft highlights how improvements to culture, leadership and technology can help here.
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