Australia offers refund on holiday working visa for 2022 travels
Employee RelationsOther employee benefits#RemoteWork
As Australia partially opens their borders, it’s government has kickstarted a programme to attract tourists and remote-workers alike. Those who hold a working holiday visa and are fully vaccinated can travel to Australia, as part of the country's phased reopening of borders.
According the government, a working holiday visa will allow persons who work for the same employer or organisation for more than six months up until 31 December 2022 and under the new offer, anyone who applies for a working holiday visa and arrives in Australia by April 19, 2022, will be eligible for a refund of AUD$495 (approx. £260) on their visa application.
Australia first began easing its COVID-19 border rules in December 2021, having announced the news the month before. It has reported that more than 24,000 tourists have applied, mostly from Ireland.
Phillipa Harrison, Tourism Australia's Managing Director, said of the refund scheme: “The cost of a Working Holiday Maker visa application is currently refundable for those who arrive in Australia before 19 April 2022, so it’s a great opportunity for those who head to Australia now.
She also added that this new incentive would enable thousands of backpackers to potentially start working and travelling in Australia sooner and the visa application charge refund could help them to boost their travel funds.