The great power shift which can work in employee's favour
Employee Engagement#GuestArticle#EmployeeExperience#GreatPowerShift
Post COVID-19, people have started paying attention to their health. This global health scare made everyone realise how important their health is and put it first. Even employees who used to work without any concern for their health have made health their priority.
Work culture was, once, just a fancy term used to describe an office’s pantry or a few team-building activities conducted by them once or twice a year. But, now, with increasing health awareness, people have started realising how important proper employee health really is. Good employee health results in an increase in productivity. Some governments are even putting out policies that prioritise an employee's health.
But that is not all employees hunt for
With more startups emerging every day, who put not only their employee's health but also their experience first, people have started taking note of how this can better their work life. This has resulted in employees looking for jobs that not only put their health first but also give them a space to work where their wants are fulfilled. They are no longer willing to settle for a five-day workweek, they are looking for employers who are willing to invest in their wants.
This has resulted in a high rise in attrition rates in IT sectors and giant multinational companies.
But what does employee experience mean?
When you hear the word experience, the picture it paints in your mind is that of a surrounding, an emotion, and a reaction to a scenario. Employee experience is exactly that. It means experiencing office life the way you wish to and not what the employers think you want.
It means making changes to core practices followed in an office environment and not just the perks or benefits received. It means, in a literal sense, ‘putting people first.’ Startups and many giant companies have started improving their employee experiences, and employees are in a battle to get into such companies.
Employee Experience is no more a pipe dream but a reality set forth by upcoming revolutionary dogma which focuses on an individual’s growth and happiness.
The reason for this shift
This shift came up is that COVID-19 lets people know how important people are. To focus on their employees, they must take into consideration their well-being as well as their happiness. The reason is the spread of studies and reports which showcased better productivity when an employee is satisfied.
Imagine yourself working with deadlines looming in front of you, and the environment you are working in is not at all suitable for your needs. The work is either going to be delayed, or you will not be able to give your hundred percent. But, on the other hand, if you have a work environment that is satisfactory to your needs, you are able to work more relaxed than ever and will be able to concentrate on your work completely, in turn increasing your productivity.
That is the reason why companies have started prioritising employee experiences. And once you get a taste or even a hint of such experiences, no one would wish to settle for less and will always be on the lookout for better experiences.
How to improve your employee experience
Many giants have started experimenting with EX by putting in Work from home or hybrid policies in place. But this is not all good environments and surrounding also matters and this is done by including:
- Adaptation and implementation of technology: With rising hybrid or work from home cultures, the need for better communication tools is imperative.
- Better office space: Listen to your employees and create the virtual and physical office they can thrive in.
- Flexibility: Not many are comfortable working from home. Each individual is different and so putting up the same policy for everyone can be detrimental. Instead, try being more flexible with your work hours or take in votes to determine what kind of timings or policies work best for your employees.
- Experiment: Do not be afraid of experimenting with different work cultures or experiences. Some might work, some might not, but unless you try it out, you’ll never know the truth.
- Support employees development: supporting your employees to grow more will only help you grow your business. Ensuring that each employee has the support they need to develop their career or work skills is very important.