Leadership in a pandemic economy: What needs to change?
The pandemic and its associated responses have led to many changes including the way leadership has been perceived and felt.

The pandemic and its associated responses have led to many changes including the way leadership has been perceived and felt.
Talent Management#Perspectives2021
As the talent crisis intensifies globally, the concerns over building the skills for tomorrow grows. “However, that is just one arm of the scenario. In order to go and win that work, there needs to be a larger, more holistic approach to recruitment and human resources that really takes a look across the entire lifecycle,” said Jeff Blake, Country Manager, Satellite Office
At Skillsoft Perspectives 2021, L&D veteran leaders come together to highlight the importance of collaboration and creativity in driving the skilling agenda.
Learning & DevelopmentLeadership Assessments#GetSetLearn#Perspectives2021#LeadersInt
Leaders are tapping into the knowledge and expertise of a diverse workforce and creating a wealth of information and perspectives
Technology#Future of Work#Perspectives2021
In an interesting session at Perspectives 2021, Su-Yen Wong, Founder & CEO Bronze Phoenix, shared actionable steps to reinvent yourself for the future of work.
Lead with your head and heart, says executive coach and company director Kirstin Ferguson.
SkillingLearning & Development#Perspectives2021
Learn how to lead skills transformation from expert leaders like Josh Bersin, Kirstin Ferguson, Jeff Tarr, Su-Yen Wong, and Elizabeth Nyamayaro at Perspectives Unleashed 2021.