Australian Mines appoints Michael Holmes as new CEO
Australian Mines (AUZ) has appointed Michael Holmes as its new Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. Holmes has replaced Les Guthrie who has been acting as interim CEO since May.
A mining engineer, Holmes comes with more than three decades of experience working in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, north and south America. He was previously associated with Toronto Stock Exchange-listed OceanaGold as President and CEO. Homes had also worked as General Manager of Minera Alumbrera Operations in Argentina.
AUZ Chairman Michael Ramsden is hopeful that Holmes comes with the right kind of skills and background to lead the company through the next stages of development at its Sconi project in Queensland.
Sconi Project is expected to deliver the world's most sustainable nickel and cobalt from the first mineral resources company to be Carbon Neutral certified organisation by the Australian Government, Australian Mines.
Holmes also held several mine management positions in Australia, including General Manager of Mount Isa Copper Operations.