It is time to think 10X: People Matters Futurist Forum 2022
Humanity has lost plenty to the pandemic in terms of prosperity, health, and time - the most precious and limited commodity that we have. We need to build back better.
For that, we need to Think 10X!
What is 10X, really?
Businesses are at an inflection point, and most progressive organisations will use this as an opportunity to reimagine their potential together and make sure they don’t slip back into their pre-pandemic status-quo comfort zone.
The People Matters Futurist Forum 2022 is a rare opportunity for business leaders to look at their existing models and approaches from a radically different perspective, which is potentially replicable and implementable within their respective organisations.
What does it mean for you?
This elite gathering of experts, business thinkers, and practising leaders will reinforce complementarities that create win-win outcomes for all stakeholders.
At this hallowed Forum, you will be able to visualise 10X at:
- Personal Level: Learn how you can focus on your internal energies and regroup yourself for impact.
- Team Level: Gain insights on creating a culture of active and willing collaboration, a sense of solidarity, and an undying commitment to customer service and organisational vision.
- Organisational Level: Learn what new muscles you need to develop for scale & speed to be the organisation of tomorrow.
Here’s what this session will cover to enable them to drive change & create a 10X impact:
- Insightful Masterclass to gain actionable insights and find ways for larger business transformations and chart the path forward for organizations. Get some solutions on most critical challenges that could hinder business growth in the new year. Learn what’s working for companies already on their path towards making a 10X change.
- In open discussions, the elite CHRO group together addresses critical business levers as opportunities for impact & innovation.
- Work along with leaders like Dr John Boudreau, Visionary on Future of Work, Author, Prof & Sr Research Scientist, Marshall School of Business, Ravin Jesuthasan, Futurist, Global Leader of Transformation, Mercer and Dr. Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder and Principal, The RBL Group to synchronize talent, leadership, to redraw your talent and operating models, and synchronize organizational rhythm for business growth.
- In-depth case studies to showcase how some organisations are building capabilities within the HR team to scale and sustain business impact. Hear from the experts who have already started their change journey to create a 10x impact.
- Hear it from the business leaders: The leaders of organisations - CEOs - will share insights on building a resilient organisation, adopting tech-agility to drive efficiency and redefining business models to sync with the ever-evolving market milieu.
The masterclasses, case studies, and discussions will help leaders to look at their existing models and approaches from a radically different perspective, which is potentially replicable and implementable within their respective organisations.
Now is the time to be courageous, to prepare for the oncoming opportunities, and to think 10X. Join us at the People Matters Futurist Forum, as we reflect on what 10X means for you, your teams and your organizations.