ServiceNow appoints Jacqui Canney as the Chief People Officer
Global digital workflow company ServiceNow announced the appointment of Jacqui Canney as Chief People Officer on July 6. Jacqui Canney is entrusted to lead and handle development, diversity, talent policy, rewards and compensations, employee experience, leadership development, and retention.
With over three decades of experience in handling leadership and other roles, Jacqui Canney has worked at various companies including Arthur Anderson as an Auditor; Accenture, where she worked for almost 22 years serving at different departments including Human resources, Senior executive Global Human Resources, and Mergers and acquisitions; Walmart as EVP- Global People and lastly at WPP as the Global Chief Officer, where she managed leadership development, recruitment, rewards, talents.
“For three decades, Jacqui has been at the forefront of solving complex problems at scale across industries from retail to professional services, uniquely blending first‑class business strategy with forward‑thinking creativity", said Bill McDermott, Chief Executive Officer, ServiceNow.
The global digital workflow company has more than 14,000 workers.