Former Deloitte CEO, Richard Deutsche joins the Board of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited last week announced the appointment of Richard Deutsch as a non-executive director, in a filing to ASX. This appointment will be effective from 20th September 2021. He will also chair the bank’s audit committee from November 2021.
Delivering complex audit and advisory services to Australia’s leading public, private, government and not-for-profit organisations has been his expertise throughout his career. Deutsch will be replacing Robert Hubbard as the Chair of the Board Audit Committee.
Deutsch previously served as the CEO of Deloitte Australia but stepped down for personal reasons in March this year, following a challenging 2020. He had been appointed in 2018, making his tenure considerably shorter than the usual four-year term Deloitte allots to its CEOs. He also held the role of Managing Partner of the Audit & Advisory Practice, and was an esteemed member of the Global Audit and Advisory Leadership team at Deloitte.
Prior to Deloitte, he also worked at PwC Australia for more than 25 years.
Deutsche has always been a strong supporter of organisations working to leave a positive impact on the community. He was a former Chairman of OzHarvest and a former Director of Adara Group. He has also worked at the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (now Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand) and SCEGGS Darlinghurst. Deutsche has always been a vocal campaigner of environmental issues. He has been a member of the Male Champions of Change, Australian Climate Leaders Coalition and the Business Council of Australia.
Jacqueline Hey, the Bank’s Chair praised Deutsch’s deep audit and advisory experience which will be a huge strong point for their board and audit committees. She added, “Richard’s commitment to strengthening community and social justice also strongly aligns with our Bank’s values, longstanding purpose and vision to be Australia’s bank of choice.” Deutsch, on his part, said that he felt connected to the bank's sense of purpose and community.