
Boomerang! Should you return to your old company?

Boomerang employees, or employees coming back to a former employer, are seeing a surge amid the Great Resignation. In fact, a report by Visier showed how a third of recruits in more than 129 companies were actually re-hires.

Employees who left on positive terms with their previous employers had a higher chance of returning, as the report shows. The average boomerang employee returned after more than a year of time away.

On top of that, according to the data, the typical boomerang employee receives, on average, a 28% increase in their salary after returning. Companies who previously employed them often give a pay bump as a premium for the experience they gained in their time away. That said, if you’re considering a job switch, boomeranging may be the easiest way to climb the ladder in the job market.

But, then again, is it really worth reconnecting these old ties?

Weigh the consequences of your exit.

Going back to an employer can be a good thing only if you’re certain that you’re still on good terms with your old boss and you didn’t burn bridges. However, if you left with negative feedback or because of an unpleasant experience, you might want to reconsider.

Do your homework and observe if the same problems still persist at work. This will let you determine if you still want to return to your old job.

Read more: Why rehiring 'boomerang employees' is a win-win

Think about your own long-term goals.

Another reason you might want to return is to advance your career path. Ask yourself if returning to an old employer will further your path or put you into a new one. In today’s job market, there are almost two jobs open for every job-switching employee.

If your added experience from your time away doesn’t give you a premium in returning, then you may as well rethink if it’s worth coming back.

Consider how you feel towards the work culture.

One advantage you might have is that your relationships are already established and you won’t likely go through that awkward “new employee” phase again. Another is that you’re used to the company setup and that will help you breeze through your job. However, returning might put you at a disadvantage if you still don’t feel you’re thriving in that same environment. 

Read more: The good and the bad of quiet quitting

Have a conversation with your former boss.

Talk with your former manager or supervisor and share with them your thoughts of returning. If you’ve been away for a significant amount of time, then you should be prepared to confront changes to the old system. Ask them about the company and people and how they’ve evolved since you left.

Having a feel for the company’s situation gives you an idea of what to expect. Ultimately, your assessment of the current scenario, both good and bad, should help you decide if you want to return to your former employer – or not.

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