
Who wants a promotion?

It can be extremely difficult to create a fair workplace, especially when job promotions are involved. The challenge of ensuring fairness might prove to be a constant fight, even inside well-renowned institutions. 

We understand the frustration, undoubtedly.  According to a recent survey conducted by Workipedia on our Telegram channel in collaboration with MyCareersFuture, nearly 80% of Singaporean employees have experienced a situation where they missed out on a promotion, in one way or another.

However, fair promotion procedures are a key differentiator between common workplaces and the best companies in the country.

Is seniority the main determining factor in promotions? If all of your typically underrepresented staff are new hires at the organisation, this issue could become more serious.

An impressive 78% of staff members at companies who made the 2023 Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list said they are happy with how fair promotions are. When compared to the typical business, where only 49% of employees believe promotions are handled fairly, this represents a tremendous 59% improvement.

The majority of the time, competition with your coworkers is involved when a promotion chance emerges. The procedure can be difficult because there will only be one winner, regardless of your relationship to other candidates or their seniority.

On the flip side, the individual who secures the promotion gains a fresh opportunity, a new title, and potentially a salary increase. Whether you emerge as a successful candidate or not, your conduct throughout the internal promotion process can significantly impact team cohesion, employee engagement, and how your colleagues and manager perceive you.

The advantages of internal promotions

Employers often favor internal promotions over external hires because they cultivate loyalty and motivation among existing employees. Recognising and rewarding hard work and dedication through promotions instills a sense of pride and encourages others to aspire to advancement within the organisation.

Internal promotions also result in a shorter learning curve and quicker integration into the new role compared to external hiring. Internal talent is already acquainted with the company culture, processes, and values, reducing training and adaptation time.

Furthermore, internal promotions ensure continuity and stability within the business. They contribute to consistency in decision-making, knowledge transfer, employee development, and succession planning by promoting individuals who have demonstrated their capabilities and understanding of the company's operations.

Promoting from within bolsters employee morale and engagement. Successful internal promotions convey that growth and advancement opportunities exist within the organisation, motivating employees to perform at their best and invest in their career growth. Human resources departments play a pivotal role in facilitating and overseeing the promotion journey.

Presenting your best self for promotion

Internal promotions often introduce an element of competition among colleagues. Nevertheless, it is essential to bring your best self forward when vying for the role. Avoid comparing yourself to others and never downplay your abilities. Focus on showcasing your key achievements and competencies to demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate for the promotion.

As with any other job interview, preparation is key. Develop talking points that highlight your contributions to the company and your ability to assume the responsibilities of the new role. Additionally, prepare questions for the interview to gain insight into the selection process and ensure that the opportunity aligns with your career objectives.

If you secure the promotion

Congratulations! The most critical step now is to handle your new position with grace and sensitivity towards your colleagues who may feel disappointed. Avoid condescension or drawing attention to their disappointment, as this can exacerbate their feelings.

Depending on your relationship with the colleague passed over, you may consider reaching out to offer consolation. Exercise caution in your choice of words to avoid appearing insincere or patronizing. A thoughtful approach could involve sending an email to the entire team, expressing gratitude to management for the opportunity and acknowledging the strong competition among colleagues. Reiterate your commitment to collaborating for future success.

If you miss out on internal promotions

While not securing a promotion can be disheartening, it is crucial to maintain your performance in your current role. Use this as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and gain a fresh perspective on your career trajectory.

Seek feedback to understand the reasons behind your non-selection, as it can serve as a roadmap for skill development and experience enhancement. Arrange a meeting with your manager to discuss opportunities for acquiring the necessary experience. Establish a timeline for promotion to track your progress.

If your current role or organisation does not offer immediate growth prospects, consider proactively seeking internal promotion opportunities during specific periods of the year. Alternatively, evaluate the possibility of exploring new job opportunities at other companies if your current workplace cannot facilitate professional growth within a reasonable timeframe.

Additionally, strive to genuinely celebrate your colleague's success. Although challenging, adopting a mindset that considers your own potential for similar success can be constructive. Cultivating a positive working relationship with the promoted colleague can be beneficial for your career, as they may become a valuable advocate if future opportunities arise.

Lastly, acknowledge your accomplishments, particularly if you made it to the final candidate shortlist. Such achievements can serve as powerful motivation and prevent negative emotions from taking hold. Concentrate on personal growth and areas requiring improvement to enhance your prospects of success in future internal promotions.

Pursuing a promotion internally is an excellent avenue for advancing your career and gaining greater control over your professional life. To succeed, you must demonstrate your preparedness for the new role and actively pursue the opportunity. By following the advice outlined in this article, you can enhance your chances of securing an internal promotion and advancing your career.

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