
In the hybrid world, organisations' focus should go beyond just ‘where’ people work: IBM’s Nickle LaMoreaux

C-SuiteStrategic HR#HybridWorkplace#BigInterview

In an exclusive interview with us, Nickle LaMoreaux, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, IBM touches upon some of the most talked-about aspects of the new world of work including the hybrid work conundrum, lessons learnt from the crisis, work-life integration, top priorities of IBM, and more.

Big Interview with Nickle LaMoreaux, CHRO, IBM

Reimagining the way we work: Intel's CPO


In this Big Interview with People Matters, Sandra L. Rivera, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, Intel Corporation shares some insights on how Intel, as an organization, is dealing with the current pandemic and how it is preparing itself for the post-COVID-19 times.

Reimagining the way we work: Intel's CPO
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